Wednesday, February 26, 2014

2014-Almost done with February! And winter has arrived...wait, what?

The Olympics are over and the end of February is near.  And I just have to say, the weather has not cooperated at all this year.  Oh how I long for the spring!!!  We keep getting all this pretend snow that doesn't stick and not enough sunshine. 

As we near the end of February, I've been thinking a lot about my goals.  I have definitely made steps to accomplishing them, but not yet accomplished all I've wanted to at this point. It is funny how life throws you curveballs when you least expect them.  Our household has been sick, and I mean sick, throughout the entire month.  We all got the nasty cold, and then the stomach flu.  I haven't been moving as much as I'd like, but I did go on my first official training run.  I've got my schedule set out up until my half-marathon and have at least contacted a running coach.  I plan on going on a run every day this week and am going to really focus on my running for the next three weeks.

I have been doing a good job on my outlets.  I've been reading, singing, and listening to music to help wind down.  I'm not sure everyone in the house appreciates my singing but that's okay:)  I have also been doing a good job the last week just giving stuff to God.  I've realized that my passion and emotion are great things, but they get in the way and make things harder for me often and it is time to start putting them to use where they do some good.  I have often thought my goal for my work was to be able to get through my work days without my blood pressure going sky high multiple times a day.  I'm getting there.

I'm not so sure that Weight Watchers will be the way I handle my nutrition.  It is a great program, but it adds a lot to your life to do and that may not be most effective for me with our family's schedule.  I think it is a lot like quitting smoking.  You think that doing it right all at once is the best, but it isn't for me.  I'm going to start focusing on just one thing, and reducing my smoking by one cigarette, per week.  At the end of March, I will see where I am and if that isn't working, I'll do something else.

I am most looking forward to walking, walking everywhere and a lot.  The snow has given me lots of excuses not to do it, but I've realized I am so much more productive in achieving my goals if I am moving in any way.  I've got the necessary equipment, so don't laugh at me if you see me walking around with my earmuffs, gloves, bundled up beyond all recognition.  I plan on really ramping up my exercise in March.  Focusing not only on moving and running, but getting back to kickboxing and in the middle of March, back to dancing. 

The past 7 or 8 weeks I've realized a lot of patterns in my days and weeks as far as when I am most stressed and when I need to use outlets for that stress, even if I don't realize it at the time.  I may feel fine after a really emotional hearing or something big happening in a case, but I still need the ten minutes of walking, a run, or something for that emotion and/or stress or it will bite me in the butt later that day or week.  I've also realized that I need to workout every day, it just makes me feel SO much better. 

So here is to the last week of February and the beginning of March!  Let's do this!