Friday, March 6, 2015

Living through Faith

Many say faith is believing in what you do not see.  While that is true, many of us lawyer types, type A, analysts, etc find that faith is often accepting what we do not understand.  We can believe in what we don't see but it is just so much harder to accept what we do not understand.

A year and a half ago it was so much easier to lose Abby. Don't get me wrong, it was hard, but she expected it, we expected it for a long time.  She was so at peace with it and in so much pain for so long.  She made me believe it was okay.  And when she was gone and ever since, I have been at peace with it and SO happy to have her for a guardian angel. 

Jeff Parker, a pillar of the Wenatchee Christian Community, has now passed. I really only knew him tangentially.  I had only been in the same room with him a handful of times. But his daughter is an amazing dancer at the studio and his wife a warrior against cancer. Jeff was so faithful to God and on fire for Jesus.  I really looked forward to his FB posts on the latest good news on his wife's cancer.  And Jeff made it all sound like good news. 

Now Jeff is gone and so many people left to try to understand why.  He wasn't sick, we weren't expecting this and it makes it so much harder to accept what we do not understand.  But from what little I know of Jeff I know he would want us to accept his passing as Gods will and know he is at peace.  

So for Jeff's family I will pray.  Pray hard for them as I cannot imagine what they are going through.  And I will pray hard for his close friends that this brings them closer to God and they can accept, in faith, what they do not understand.

As for Jeff I say to him "thank you ".  So many of God's children are closer to him because of Jeff.  Thank you for being a warrior for your family Jeff.  Thank you for showing us what it means to be a man of God.  Because of you I will try incessantly to not only believe in what I do not see, but accept what I do not understand.

Monday, March 2, 2015

2015-The Year of ME

I'm BACK!  It took a while, but here I am.  I tell you it would be so much stinkin easier to blog if I could somehow do it on my phone like I can on a computer.  Maybe I'll figure out how to voice command blogs?  If so, be prepared for some good auto-text fails.

So 2013 was the year of realization and 2014 was supposed to be the year of change.  It was a little, but not a lot and not like I needed it to be.  2015 is the year of ME! Those that know me well can probably guess how the year's intentions started- a detailed list of like 40 resolutions all written out with frequency in a month to work on them and what days to focus on which resolutions.  HA!

Now that we are two months into this year, I've realized some big stuff.  Well, mainly one big thing.  It all starts with ME!  And Him, but he is part of working on ME.  My friends and family are always saying "you need to take some time for yourself" "you are so hard on yourself" and so on and so forth.  I was always like "sure, as soon as I have time I'll get right on that."  But, I've realized in the past two months, THEY WERE RIGHT!  I WAS WRONG!  Record it in history folks, I was wrong!

All the things I want to change, all the time I want to spend with HIM, it all starts with ME.  How I feel about myself, I mean REALLY FEEL!  How I treat myself and let others treat me.  How much I love myself the way He loves me.  How I spend my time, energy and emotions.  How I treat my body, my mind, my spirit.  It all comes down to I've been treating myself like crap.  And I'M CHANGING THAT!

 I've had some really great inspiration.  I have to think the Brave Girl's Club, Tabitha Evan's page "Inspiring Sanity, my mom for getting me the subscription to One Little Word, and Sarah LaVallee (sorry if I'm spelling that incorrectly Sarah)!  Also Destinee Grable and her awesome yoga practice posts on Facebook and SO many of my friends who have been so supportive and so determined in opening up my eyes to what the real change needs to be- JP, Jonna, Shannon, Leona, Lori, just to name a few.

One Little Word is about choosing a word to focus on for the year.  Each month there are prompts for your word.  Some are crafty and some are more of a journaling type of exercise.  I really had a hard time choosing my word.  I kept throwing around Renew, Transform, Change, and most of all Freedom.  Then it hit me today after a whirlwind month for me personally and professionally- ME.  So that is my word for the year and that is what I will be focusing on-ME. 

So come along on this journey with me.  Love to you all! 
