Monday, March 10, 2014

2014- The Ides of March

I don't really get what the Ides of March means.  I googled it and I still don't get it.  But it does correspond with my Dad's birthday, ha ha!  The last two weeks have been focused on.... RUNNING!  I am getting caught up on my training and hope to be fully caught up by the end of this month.  This last weekend was truly inspirational.

We traveled to Coeur 'D' Alene (or however you spell it) for Alexis' Regional Dance Competition.  She did amazing, as did all dancers from Dance Creations.  The teachers at that studio and the director are clearly TALENTED.  One of the judges was/is the main choreographer on America's Got Talent and as I was sitting there watching DC dance after dance I realized a lot of our studio's dancers are good enough to not only audition for that show, but make it quite a ways.  A lot of these girls have suffered injuries and surgeries this past year, one was dancing with a knee brace.  It was amazing.  It taught me that, even though these girls are 1/2 my age, if you dedicate yourself to something and condition your body right, you can do it.  Sure many of them have natural talent, but talent without dedication and the right coaching= nothing.  Just as I am NOT a natural runner (I quit track in middle school after the first day) I am dedicated, I will be coached, and I will condition my body right.  And now the weather is even cooperating!

Using my outlets is going okay.  I should've used them more over the past couple of weeks but this week I will use them like crazy because it is going to be a crazy week.  Tomorrow my baby turns 9 years old!  This weekend we will be celebrating with parties AND she is in a pageant.  Josh starts symphony rehearsal for the LAST CONCERT OF THE SEASON THANK YOU GOD! Soccer will start soon and we are now going to be gearing up for April happenings:  the concert, the Wenatchee Marathon (10k for me), Easter, spring break, etc.

May, June, and July will be very busy.  Soccer, recital, Apple Blossom, several runs, end of school and all that comes with it, Mother's Day, Father's Day, and the National Competition in July and Disneyland. week at a time:)  Bring on this week! Love to you all!


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