Tuesday, April 8, 2014

2014- April Showers Bring May Flowers

Well March ended with a bang!  Especially awesome was the Wenatchee World posting a link to my blog, making the entire thing public!  So I may have some new readers I suppose?

The first quarter of the year is over, wow time flies! And WOW has the weather improved! Soccer has started back up again, spring break is over, and the two week break from dance flew by.  The spring is full of events, starting with this crazy week.

I re-read all my posts since the beginning of the year and that was really good for me.  It has helped me to re-focus on my goals and desires for the year.  I have really ramped up my running, but of course got injured, and am now under constant scrutiny by my chiropractor;) I will continue to run and I WILL run that half marathon this year, even if I have to crawl over the finish line! I have one or two runs planned for each month except this one, the 10k.  It is ahead of my training schedule but I'm not planning on running the whole thing anyways.  I'm also planning on slowly adding some other elements to my training. 

As far as my relationship with God, I am working on it.  I have missed way more church than I am comfortable with but we had a good family meeting about it.  I am slowly reading a great book, although it is a little over my head.  I have to read each chapter twice and often go back and review all the previous chapters. 

My work on my "outlets" has sucked, but I will change that and I will change that now.  Looking back, I remember why it is so important to my health to do so.  My Dad called this week and his numbers (cholesterol, etc.) are WAY better than mine.  Not for long daddy!  The rest of this crazy busy week is going to be focused on outlets, especially walking and praying.  I so often neglect this much needed time for me.

So hear is to April!  It may bring some showers, but we will reap the rewards with the May flowers (both literally and metaphorically speaking:))

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