Tuesday, January 28, 2014

2014- Almost to February!

Just  a couple more days and we are 1/12th done with this year already!  It has been a tough couple of weeks, somehow each week is busier than the next?  Birthdays are now done (kind of) and solo and ensemble will be done at the end of this week.  And Superbowl when the Seahawks WIN on Sunday!  It is the constant hub of activity surrounding all these things that throws me and I suppose has for the last twenty years.  You know what I mean, it is always "well this week is a bad week, I'll start X next week."  And this weather doesn't help a damn bit, can I get an "Amen!" 

Each week it is appointments, and dance class, and piano lessons, and big cases, and court days, and, well, there is always something.  Some reason not to take care of myself, some reason not to succeed or reach my goals this week.  For some, it is the reason not to diet, or quit drinking, for some it is the reason not to go to church or start going to church, and for some it is the reason not to spend time with their family or do that one big thing they have been procrastinating (find a new job, address their broken marriage or broken child, what have you....).  For me, it is to quit hibernating and to use my time to take care of business (and by business, I mean taking care of myself). 

Yes, I said hibernating, just like a bear but with a TV and not only in the winter.  I sleep, I nap, that is the way I deal with my stress.  It is embarrassing, but at the end of my workday or mid-weekend day, I nap.  It is an escape, a way to allow my brain and my body to unwind with as little effort as possible.  Then, like today, I wake up and the only thing I want to do is stay in that bed and watch TV.  Have a decaf mocha for dinner and call it a day.  For some of you this crutch is drinking, and for the wiser of you, it is exercising, reading, praying, all of the things I want my crutch to be. 

My goal for January was to quit this crap, to put healthier outlets in place so my body, mind, and soul would not continue to put the anxiety and stress of each day in a box with a loose lid somewhere else in my mind.  I wouldn't say I have failed, but, per usual me, I wouldn't say I've succeeded either. 

I am getting there.  Slowly working on developing these outlets, but I haven't been great about putting them in place and February brings new goals that must be placed on top of the greatest goal- to start taking care of myself.  It will happen, I will do it, because I can...because that is who I am. 

I thank those who have been with me so far on this journey.  My mom and dad for encouraging me and believing not only that I can do it, but that I will do it.  All of you whom have told me how much you like my blogs and to keep it up, all of you that have prayed for me.  Jonna for always being my best coach and walking with me.

This journey has only just begun, this month is not over yet, and neither is this night.  I will keep up the good fight, despite the challenges this month has brought, this week has yet to bring, and even this night is currently bringing with my children fighting as I write this. 

Thank you all... here is to a fabulous rest of the week, a fabulous rest of the month, and BRING IT ON FEBRUARY!!!

1 comment:

  1. amen, amen, and amen. as I said honey, we are in this together, You, Sheiska, Mama we all rock and we CAN meet our goals and do better for ourselves, in turn doing better for our family. God bless you, keep praying and we will see miracles happen in our lives in our health, happiness and peace. I promise!
